Leo and Capricorn
Leo and Capricorn compatibility in relationships
Leo and Capricorn is an interesting and complex match. Traditionally considered a poor astrological match it often works well in practice, partly because both of you are too stubborn to accept otherwise!
Leo and Capricorn Compatibility scores
These scores show the averages for data collected from my clients over the past 20 years. It's important to note however that individual relationships vary enormously. This is a summarized picture, a real compatibility reading is needed to judge a real relationship. It's also worth noting that Soulmates can be found in any sun sign match, even those which are statistically likely to have low compatibility.
Leo and Capricorn compatibility
This article is in two halves, the first is written from the viewpoint of the Leo man or Leo woman, and the second is written from the viewpoint of the Capricorn man or Capricorn woman.
From the Leo viewpoint
In many respects you're the opposite of this partner, yet you both have the toolset to turn these differences into an incredibly effective team. If you can survive the first 6-12 months this is a match which often gets stronger over time.
Capricorn is a very sensible and down to earth partner. A patient and goal orientated planner, analyzer and achiever. In many respects this is exactly what a fiery and spontaneous Leo needs. They're good at plotting the course, while you're good at driving the car to get there.
Your Capricorn can be somewhat pessimistic by nature, while you're the eternal optimist. This is the start of a giant circle of bringing out the best in each other. Your optimism will inspire their ambition, their ambition will feed your competitive side, your playfulness will balance their goal orientated life style etc. To examine some aspects of this Leo Capricorn dynamic in detail:
Your Capricorn is far more practical than you are, often reserved and conservative when it comes to day to day tasks and life organization, and this may be the biggest difference between you - they have infinitely more patience for boring or trivial tasks. No bad thing I hear you think to yourself!
You're spontaneous, while this partner prefers routines and schedules. In both areas your Capricorn lends a steadying influence - even if you were reckless with other partners you may not be with this one. This is often a solid partnership. You both have similar goals, yet a radically different approach to getting them. Your style will fascinate your Capricorn and vice versa.
If you're a Leo who enjoys the praise of a romantic partner this match often works especially well, as to earn it you'll be focused on productive tasks which you might otherwise neglect. More to the point the competitive element will make you want to focus on this, whereas a bossy partner couldn't.
Your Capricorn is more ambitious than you are, but you're more competitive, and won't let a partner get far ahead in the success department without racing to catch up. You may notice a radical difference in your respective approaches however:
You're both very stubborn and there's a high potential for a Leo Capricorn relationship to be a giant battle of wills. Unlike some matches however it's typically both healthy and productive in this match. Your Capricorn is sensible and long sighted, while you're intense and short sighted, complimenting each other perfectly.
While your Capricorn prefers steady progress towards a goal, you tend to be very impatient - either not interested, or a tornado of energy, and typically with no middle ground in between. Similarly, you're more suited to short high intensity bursts of activity, often leveraging your charisma to win others to your cause. This 'lazy short cut approach' to reaching goals may both fascinate and annoy your Capricorn - especially when they see how powerful it can be!
You both want the respect and admiration of others, although you want it for totally different reasons. While your Capricorn is validating their accomplishments you just enjoy the attention. Your partner socializes for the sake of making contacts, whereas you do so largely for self entertainment.
Leo Capricorn sex
You both prefer light and fun sex. Capricorns are often so goal focused that they tend to neglect relationships, and you're one of the few signs with the skill set to drag their mind onto more carnal subjects - when you do you'll find they're as frisky as you are once practical matters are forgotten. Don't be misled by their calm and reserved exterior!
It's important to note however that we're looking only at sun signs here. There are many other planets which can have an equal or greater effect on someone's personality. Makes sense, as ultimately everyone is of course unique. Generalizing too far based just on sun signs can therefore be misleading.
To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet placements from their date of birth, and compare them to your own, and then interpret the results.
From the Capricorn viewpoint
Capricorn and Leo Compatibility
Outgoing, charismatic and bold, Leo's are the natural 'salespeople' of the zodiac. Often bending others to their will through little more than genuine warmth and well intentioned but bold requests - no matter how egotistical they are, it's very hard to hate or say no to a smiling Leo. The match of your patience and hard work together with your Leos 'human leveraging' abilities can be incredibly effective if you share a goal.
You both want the respect and admiration of others, although you want it for totally different reasons. While you're validating your accomplishments your Leo is just fueling their massive ego. You socialize for the sake of making contacts, whereas your Leo does so largely for self entertainment - they want to have fun.
You're far more analytical than your lion, and a common mistake in a Capricorn Leo match is to try to analyze them logically - Leo is a sign governed by whim and passion, and often doesn't make a whole lot of sense on the surface. More than anything, their incredible self confidence makes them want things they can't have. Often for no better reason than the small ego boost it gives them when obtained. A clever Capricorn can use this predictability to great affect!
You both can be controlling in a relationship, however your match of patience, analytical abilities and being stubborn makes you ideally placed to turn all these traits to your advantage. To be a good idea something needs to be 'their idea' - master the art of this and you'll have your lion on a leash. Best to do so because Leo is one of the few signs more stubborn than you are if handled incorrectly.
This is often a solid partnership, and one which often gets stronger over time. You both have similar goals, yet a radically different approach to getting them. You're more ambitious than your Leo is, but they're more competitive, and won't let you get far ahead in the success department without racing to catch up. You may notice a radical difference in your approaches.
You can be somewhat pessimistic by nature, while your Leo is the eternal optimist. This is the start of a giant circle of bringing out the best in each other. Your partner's optimism will inspire your ambition, your ambition will feed their competitiveness, their playfulness will balance your goal orientated life style etc. To examine some aspects of this Capricorn Leo dynamic in detail:
You're both very stubborn and there's a high potential for this being a giant battle of wills. Unlike some matches however it's typically both healthy and productive. You're sensible and long sighted, while your Leo is intense and short sighted. You plan the course and your Leo will often be happy to drive the car.
While you prefer steady progress towards a goal, this is a partner who is very impatient. They're either not interested, or a tornado of energy, typically with no middle ground in between. Leo is far more suited to short high intensity bursts, often leveraging their charisma to win others to their cause. This 'lazy short cut approach' to reaching goals may both fascinate and annoy you - especially when you see how powerful it can be. Leo's are often 20% work and 80% 'selling' of it!
On the negative side you may find your Leo to be very egotistical, self centered, aggressive and spontaneous or reckless. On the flip side of this Leos are one of the most predictable signs and this often translates to stability, in an indirect way. Stability being a key quality you look for in a partner.
You're far more practical than your Leo when it comes to day to day tasks and life organization, and this may be the biggest difference between you.
Capricorn Leo sex
You both prefer light and fun sex, and if you're a workaholic this is one sign with the skill set to get your mind onto more carnal subjects. If you've been previously accused of neglecting relationships, this can be a great match for you.
This is an exceptionally playful partner, and one who will typically be bold and outrageous enough to drag your attention back to the relationship at will.
Leo and Capricorn Compatibility Summary
So is this article conclusive? No! This article is based only on sun sign interaction. In order to provide a lot of people with information it's a convenient and fast way to generalize, but it's far from conclusive at this broad level. To get a complete picture we need to take all the other planets and their interactions into account for each of you, with a real astrology reading...
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