Leo relationships and Compatibility Partners of different zodiac signs bring out slightly different facets of the Leo personality. Some elements however are fairly common to all Leo relationships. Common features of Leo relationships Extremely forward and self assured Leos can come across as aggressive or impatient when starting relationships. The positive in this is that there are no head games played by this Lion, what you see is what you get, and Leos tell you exactly what they want and like. This honesty is the key to building the foundation of love for Leos. Though sometimes known for jealousy and possessiveness, this is primarily due to any insecurity Leos feel at the hands of their partner. But, if they feel secure in your loyalty and devotion they will reciprocate. The key with Leo relationships is honesty, they tend to value this trait very much. Although many times Leos have been accused of being ego maniacs, this is due to their high self esteem which is...