Leo and Libra
Leo and Libra compatibility in relationships
Leo and Libra is a powerful match, you each bring out the best in each other and share a very similar outlook while being constantly fascinated by each others personality. This leads to this being one of the most common zodiac matches, and often has soulmate potential.
Leo and Libra Compatibility scores
These scores show the averages for data collected from my clients over the past 20 years. It's important to note however that individual relationships vary enormously. This is a summarized picture, a real compatibility reading is needed to judge a real relationship. It's also worth noting that Soulmates can be found in any sun sign match, even those which are statistically likely to have low compatibility.
Leo and Libra compatibility
This article is in two halves, the first is written from the viewpoint of the Leo man or Leo woman, and the second is written from the viewpoint of the Libra man or Libra woman.
From the Leo viewpoint
You'll be drawn to your Libras sophisticated and refined style, fast mind and charm. A very affectionate and diplomatic partner, your Libra has a gift for offering genuine compliments - something that you'll appreciate more than most.
Libras generally don't like being forced to make decisions and this works well for you, as you're never hesitant to take charge. Don't make the mistake of thinking your Libra is passive however, given time they'll decide on their preference and have the perseverance and diplomatic skills to get their way on issues which are important to them!
You're both outgoing and social, love to dress up and be the center of attention. You'll be drawn to your Libras classy and refined style, and love showing them off. You have a slight edge in the charisma department and you're both equally playful, so this can lead to some very entertaining rivalry, as you're both addicted to receiving attention and happy to compete for it in your own ways.
Your Libra is a very intellectual sign and enjoys conversation and debate. You'll likely admire their social skills. While they like to analyze and weigh the pros and cons of a subject or situation you're governed far more by whim and passion, allowing you to instantly draw a conclusion on something which your Libra may ponder for hours. This can lead to some fun conversations.
You're both optimistic, both like trying new things and looking for adventure, you both enjoy fun and drama. You're both creative and will inspire each other romantically. One of the few negatives of this match is that you can be a little too possessive sometimes.
There's a danger in this match of your Libra encouraging you a little too much. You have a tendency to get a little carried away and extreme at times, especially when you have an appreciative audience. Without someone to ground you this can lead to some issues, for example flying to Paris for a romantic weekend is definitely a great idea, but not if you'll be paying for it for the next 3 years on a credit card! Money can be an issue in this conversation, not because you'll fight over it but because you both enjoy spending it on fun things!
Leo Libra sex
There's great chemistry in this match. You're a fire sign, and Libra is an air sign. Rarely does an analogy fit better than in this match. Your powerful confidence, passion and love of the dramatic will be multiplied by this partners appreciation of it - an explosive match.
You both appreciate the finer points of seduction and lovemaking, and neither of you likes to cut corners or spare expense in this area.
It's important to note however that we're looking only at sun signs here. There are many other planets which can have an equal or greater effect on someone's personality. Makes sense, as ultimately everyone is of course unique. Generalizing too far based just on sun signs can therefore be misleading.
To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet placements from their date of birth, and compare them to your own, and then interpret the results.
From the Libra viewpoint
Libra and Leo Compatibility
You'll be drawn to your Leos dominant, passionate and flashy style. The most self confident of all the signs, they're over the top, take your breath away dramatic - especially if they have an appreciative audience. You'll like their sense of fun and bravado, while they'll love showing you off.
You're both outgoing and social, love to dress extravagantly and be the center of attention. While this is one of the few signs with enough charisma to draw the attention off of you, they'll still be in awe of your classy and refined style. You're both playful and this can lead to some very entertaining rivalry, as you're both addicted to receiving attention and happy to compete for it in your own ways.
You don't like being forced to make decisions and this works well with this often bossy partner who will usually want to take the reigns. Leo's nearly always want to be in control of relationships, both in and out of the bedroom.
Note there is a danger in this match however of you agreeing with your Leo on all things. Your partner probably has a tendency to get a little carried away and extreme at times, and without someone to ground them this can lead to some issues. On the other hand they certainly won't be dull or boring issues!
You're likely to be more intellectual while your Leo is more passionate. You enjoy conversation and debate, and your Leo will admire your social skills in this area. While you like to analyze and weigh the pros and cons of a subject or situation your partner is governed far more by passion and whim. Despite this you'll probably soon realize that your Leo always has an opinion! Persuading them to change their mind can be a fun exercise in this match.
Leo is a partner who enjoys praise, and your gift for offering genuine compliments will be especially well received and appreciated. You're both optimistic, both like trying new things and looking for adventure, you both enjoy fun and drama (you more so as a spectator, your Leo more by creating it - again meshing well).
You're both creative and will inspire each other romantically. One of the few negatives of this match is that your partner may be a little too possessive at times for your taste.
Libra Leo sex
You're an air sign, and Leo is a fire sign. Rarely does an analogy fit better than in this match. Your Leo's powerful self confidence, passion and love of the dramatic will be multiplied by your appreciation of it - an explosive mixture.
You both appreciate the finer points of seduction and lovemaking, enjoy the finer things in life, and neither of you likes to cut corners or spare expense romantically.
Leo and Libra Compatibility Summary
So is this article conclusive? No! This article is based only on sun sign interaction. In order to provide a lot of people with information it's a convenient and fast way to generalize, but it's far from conclusive at this broad level. To get a complete picture we need to take all the other planets and their interactions into account for each of you, with a real astrology reading...
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