Leo and Leo
Leo and Leo compatibility in relationships
Leo and Leo (two partners both with a Leo sun sign) is a powerful and dramatic match, a playful battle of wills and egos, often with soulmate potential.
Leo and Leo Compatibility scores
These scores show the averages for data collected from my clients over the past 20 years. It's important to note however that individual relationships vary enormously. This is a summarized picture, a real compatibility reading is needed to judge a real relationship. It's also worth noting that Soulmates can be found in any sun sign match, even those which are statistically likely to have low compatibility.
Leo and Leo Relationships
This is often an explosive match on several levels - socially, sexually and creatively. The main downside is that it may become a power struggle for who gets the most attention. If you're prepared to share in this respect then it's one of your very best matches.
You're both outgoing, generous, affectionate, and enjoy a 'larger than life' lifestyle. Always seeking to impress others. You both enjoy turning heads, and this is the ideal partner to do it with.
You both enjoy praise and compliments and enjoy being in love - this aspect shouldn't be a problem, as you both enjoy 'spoiling' and complimenting your loved ones, typically putting each other on a pedestal.
This is a match which is often highly competitive in a fun way, including areas such as careers and salaries - which is just as well, as you both enjoy your luxuries!
You're both energetic, loyal, optimistic and ambitious. On the negative side, you both have large egos, both can be bossy, stubborn and likely have bad tempers
You're both dramatic, and there's a high chance this relationship will be a series of arguments and making up - which both may 'secretly' enjoy. Other partners may seem very boring after experiencing the intensity of this match.
Leo and Leo sex
No shortage of excitement or passion here, as in other areas of the relationship this one will be intense and burn hot. Role-playing, games and general one-upmanship and drama will be common - with never a dull moment!
It's important to note however that we're looking only at sun signs here. There are many other planets which can have an equal or greater effect on someone's personality. Makes sense, as ultimately everyone is of course unique. Generalizing too far based just on sun signs can therefore be misleading.
To fully understand someone or how compatible you are with them we need to calculate those other planet placements from their date of birth, and compare them to your own, and then interpret the results.
Leo and Leo Compatibility Summary
So is this article conclusive? No! This article is based only on sun sign interaction. In order to provide a lot of people with information it's a convenient and fast way to generalize, but it's far from conclusive at this broad level.
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